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Writer's pictureArdith Arnelle `Price


What does it mean to be blessed?

Matthew 5:6 states, “blessed spiritually and calm with life joy in God’s favor.” The second half of the verse reads, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

I love the verse because it describes the pure heart of Jehovah and how we are to behave and act toward each other.

Peacemakers express the authentic nature of God’s personality. Jesus wants us to become loving individuals. Then, we can be called His children. The devil has a foothold when people respond to disputes with unrighteous actions. The devil’s primary goal is chaos and quarrels. We must try to resolve any conflicts as Jesus commands in His statutes and commandments.

God blesses us with the joy and lifeblood of Himself.

If we are Christians and have committed our lives to Him, we can enjoy a calm and peaceful life with the Father. Find a moment this week to read the Bible. Find five to ten minutes to give Father God your attention. It will surprise you how your life will change.

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