Snippet from Chapter 1
“Tall, Golden Nephilim crouched near the cavern entryway with torches and atomic weapons, ready to defend themselves.
Their conversations captivated me, and I grasped the dire plight of Zarzu Genesis with each word. A cataclysmic black hole threatened to devour everything in its path. Their Ruler, Zerus, an oppressive dictator who ruled for centuries with his iron fist, ignored the manifestations of the looming black hole. The commander’s voice turned venomous as he spoke again.
“Zerus, the treacherous scoundrel, agreed to find another home after my persistent begging. We will perish within days. Those hybrid Nephilim told Zerus our plans to kill him, so they must die first, then Zerus. Now hurry to the mountain.”
The commander’s conversation with his people scared me as I lived their plight in the spiral. Zarzu’s extinction was due in days. Midnight approached and announced its entrance when a sizeable gold-colored Big Ben clock tower clanged on the mountain. The clock chimed as the angry crowd grew more prominent around the cave.”
Queen Esther from the Bible had a decision to make when she was alerted that her people were to be exterminated by Haman. She tried to deny the prospect, but her Uncle Mordecai reminded her that even though she was in the palace, she would perish if she failed to alert the King. Her reply was, “If I perish, I perish.”(Esther 4;16) This is a famous word from a brave woman who believed in God and persevered to help her people live against the odds.

In my novel PERFDY, a brave woman struggles with life and the aliens who have threatened her life. She perseveres to help her colleagues and humanity in the wake of Nephilim threats and a spiritual struggle within her being. She finally makes a decision that changes the course of history on Earth.
Read the apocalyptic fantasy story of Carmen and her colleagues.
Read Perfidy:
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