We are in a dilemma, and this Christmas is not joyous as in years past. I find myself looking back at previous Christmas celebrations with family, and yes, it is sad. However, I am happy and thankful that I am alive and able to see my family via Zoom this year, and we are all safe.I look forward to the day when my family and friends can hug each other and celebrate life without social restraints.
We must remember this virus doesn’t care who you are; it is a virus that has attacked the world. This Christmas, be thankful for your family, health, life, and introduce yourself to Jesus Christ. He is a wonderful Savior who will lift your spirit. Find time to sing, play Christmas music, visit family via Zoom, help someone in need of love and a hug. If you are the person in need, give yourself a hug and cry but pick yourself up and thank God for your life no matter your circumstances. Look up at the stars and ask the Saviour, Jesus Christ, to help you believe with your heart and ask for forgiveness of your sins. I guarantee He will answer you in a miraculous way that you would never expect. Remember, Almighty God does love you more than you can imagine. Merry Christmas!