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Writer's pictureArdith Arnelle `Price

Don't Be Mislead

“Don’t be misled: You can never make a fool out of God. Whatever you plant is what you’ll harvest (Galatians 6:7, MSG).”

When someone claims to be apologetic without remorse, they only deceive themselves, as it is impossible to deceive God. The original translation states: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.” (Gal 6:7, KJV) Numerous individuals attempt to deceive themselves into thinking they can negotiate or escape the vigilant gaze of God, feign repentance, and then return to sin without facing any repercussions. Nevertheless, God is all-knowing. In His infinite wisdom, He patiently waits for them to repent out of love, but if they refuse to do so, they will face the wrath of their earthly Father, who will subject them to eternal torment.

The Spirit of God dwells in his anointed children, and He walks and talks with those children who want to encounter an intimate relationship with Him. We lose status and a relationship with the heavenly Father because life’s cares fool us, and this is just what Satan wants and strives to put into our souls and spirits daily. If Satan can keep our minds off God (the Holy Trinity) and keep our minds on foolish things of this world, such as jobs, food, clothes, our electronic gadgets, TV, the next reality TV show, and social media, then we’re doomed. Yes, we all must work and eat, but God will provide those things for us; we do not require worship. Examples include scheming to get ahead or lying on job applications to look good until exposed. We lust after the latest clothes because society says material items grant prestige and submit our lives to Hollywood star views instead of living as ourselves. Even our eating habits are part of the scheme to derail us, so we have health concerns because we eat the wrong foods. Therefore, we are sick and cannot do the work of Jesus by spreading the Word because now we’re only concerned with our well-being.

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